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Constitution | Edinburgh Reds
The Edinburgh Branch of the Official Manchester United Supporters Club exists to ensure that members are actively involved in the activities of Manchester United Football Club and through an elected Committee have access to tickets and match travel.
The Branch seeks to uphold and enhance the reputable name of Manchester United Football Club.
The Branch seeks to establish friendly links with supporters of Manchester United Football Club throughout the world and with supporters of other football clubs.
The Constitution:
The Committee
The remit of the Committee is as follows;
To make decisions that are in the best interests of the Branch
To decide how to make use of Branch funds
To decide who should be granted tickets and travel for matches on a fair and impartial basis
To make judgements on the appropriate execution of a disciplinary matter in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the constitution
To review all membership applications and to reserve the right to decline membership if the person is not deemed a fit and proper individual
To promote the Branch in its best interests
To ensure that complaints and correspondences are dealt with appropriately
To ensure a systematic approach that deals with matters which violate the code of conduct
To reasonably ensure and anticipate that there is no violation of the Criminal Law in Scotland and in England by all members
To ensure that the reputable name of Manchester United Football Club is upheld
Committee decisions shall be made on the basis of a majority vote
The Branch Committee shall consist of a number of members determined and elected by the Branch. The Committee Chairman shall be directly elected by the membership present for the first committee elections, thereafter, elected by the membership present for a period of twelve months.
The remainder of the Committee posts shall be determined by the members present at the AGM.
Nominations for election onto the Committee shall only include those who are current members of the Branch. Valid nominations must be proposed and seconded by existing members, with the candidates consent, and must be received by the Secretary of the Branch seven days before the AGM.
Section (3) of this provision shall not apply to the first Committee elections, where nominations can be proposed and seconded at the AGM.
Committee members shall be elected on the basis of two thirds of the membership present at the AGM, failing that, on the basis of highest percentage of votes.
Elections to the Committee shall be taken on an annual basis. Members shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM.
Members can apply for positions on the Committee on an annual basis, with applications notified to the Secretary seven days prior to the AGM.
The Committee has the remit to set up Sub-Committees to deal with specific matters including disciplinary action and other material issues which require the need for a Sub-Committee. It shall have the power to co-opt members at its discretion to serve on the Sub-Committees.
Attendance at Committee meetings by Committee members: Failure to attend all meetings for a twelve month period, without good reason, shall render the member subject to re-election at the following quarterly Branch meeting from that at which the vacancy was notified. Committee members should notify the Secretary or the Chairman of their absence prior to the Committee meetings, or no more than two days after.
Branch meetings shall take place on a quarterly basis on a date mutually arranged.
The Committee shall be authorised to determine the date of the Annual General Meeting, at which the only business to be transacted shall be the election of the Committee, the Annual Report which shall include an audited Financial Report and any business notified to the Branch Secretary twenty four hours before the commencement of the AGM.
Ordinary Club meetings shall be recorded in minutes and have an agenda (to be determined by the Committee) for the purpose of debate, information and proposals. Minutes shall be made available to any member who requests them. Members shall have the right to raise matters of concerns under any other business, if the matter has not been dealt with.
Extraordinary General Meetings may be requisitioned by a minimum of 40% Branch members, with fourteen days’ notice to the Secretary, on a date to be determined by the Chairman, with specified business only. There shall be no other business transacted at such meetings.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The Committee is accountable at all times to its membership and shall report its activities to members at the quarterly Branch meetings.
All members shall abide by the Code of Conduct attached to this Constitution at Appendix One. Any breach of the Code of Conduct may result in the Committee referring the individual/individuals to its Disciplinary Sub-Committee.
All members shall subscribe to the Code of Conducts of Manchester United Football Club. This includes all external agencies, organisations and companies the Branch instruct, including travel agencies.
All members are responsible for the reporting of any act to the Committee which may violate the Code of Conduct.
All members have a duty of care for the health and safety of other members and the general public.
Amendments to the Constitution:
The Branch Constitution shall be amended at the AGM, where amendments have been duly notified to the Secretary fourteen days before the AGM (or Extraordinary General Meeting) and where the said amendments have been voted for by two thirds of the membership present.
On exceptional circumstances, the Branch Constitution shall be amended for matters which require urgent attention for the benefit of the Branch without it being subjected to subsection (1) of this provision.
The determination of exceptional circumstances shall be determined by the Committee
Payment and amount of the registration fee shall be determined by the Branch Committee.
There is no pre-requisite that members must be One United members to apply for Branch membership.
Tickets for matches shall be allocated only to people travelling with the Branch
On exceptional circumstances, the Committee may decide to allocate individual tickets for those members not travelling with the Branch.
Information on ticket applications, allocation of tickets and payment of tickets shall be updated regularly and communicated to members through the most appropriate method of communication.
Information on travel requests and payment for travel shall be updated regularly and communicated to members through the most appropriate method of communication.
If the Committee or a Sub-Committee engages in a hearing and makes a judgement over a reserved matter; the appellant may appeal such decision within fourteen days of the notification of that decision.
Section (1) shall also apply to any disciplinary hearing, where the appellant has fourteen days to appeal the decision made by the Committee or the Sub-Committee.
Appeals shall be made in writing and must be sent to the Secretary of the Branch who shall then instruct an appeal hearing.
In accordance with the Constitution, the Code of Conduct shall apply to all members and non-members and to all those that directly or indirectly engage with The Manchester United Supporters Club Edinburgh Branch.
The Branch has a strict policy on the following;
Drugs: shall be prohibited at all times unless they are used for legitimate medical purposes.
Violence of any sort which is likely to cause alarm, harm or distress to any other person shall be prohibited.
Any act of racism is prohibited, or any act which prejudices an individual’s race or religion shall be prohibited.
Any act which prejudices an individual’s disability shall be prohibited, or any act which amounts to harassment due to an individual’s disability shall be prohibited.
Any act which prejudices an individual’s sexual orientation shall be prohibited, or any act which amounts to harassment due to an individual’s sexual orientation shall be prohibited
Any offensive act or behaviour which is likely to cause alarm, harm or distress to any other person shall be prohibited.
Offensive behaviour includes the use of language which a reasonable person would deem unacceptable in an audience with children under the age 16.
Any act of inconsideration which is likely to cause an individual financial loss shall be prohibited.
This shall include non-payment for match travel or tickets, in accordance with the Committee’s guidance on such issue.
Any other act which is likely to cause alarm, harm or distress and which a reasonable person may deem as inappropriate
Any other act which a reasonable person may deem as requiring disciplinary action.
In the event that a complaint is tendered against a member, the Committee, if it deems appropriate to do so, based on the nature of the complaint, the complainer and any other material consideration; shall delegate responsibility to a Sub-Committee to convene a disciplinary hearing against the member in question.
The Sub-Committee may be composed of Committee members or general members and shall not include those with a potential conflict of interest
If found guilty of any violation in section 2, the disciplinary Sub-Committee shall have the power to;
Warn the member of their behaviour and remind them of the code of conduct
Impose a suspension for a time period the Sub Committee deem necessary
Impose an indefinite ban resulting in the withdrawal of the supporters club membership
Impose a monetary fine for those matters which involve the financial loss of an another.
During the interim period of the complaint being first noted by the Committee and the convening of the Disciplinary Sub Committee, the Committee may deem that it is appropriate to temporarily suspend the member in question until the Sub-Committee’s judgement.
When considering section 4, the Committee must take into account the nature of the alleged offence, the complainer, whether injury has occurred and the likelihood that such behaviour may continue.
Any member subjected to such process, shall have the right to appeal any decision made by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.